Wednesday, October 29, 2014

How the world is Learning How to Learn
by Julia Cambre

For my final project, I was really inspired by the idea of creating a shared space for those of us taking this course to learn from and about one another. With that general aim in mind, I put together a website with an interactive map, which I've titled "How the world is Learning How to Learn"

The website has a form with some reflection questions about the course and your personal learning experience. Once you submit the form, it'll be posted to the world map on the right-hand side of the same page, along with the responses of other people in the course. I've given my own response as an example, if you look for the dot over San Francisco from Julia.

I realize that this doesn't totally conform to the assignment prompt all that well since there's not much content knowledge embedded within the site, but regardless, I had a really great time putting it together and am very curious to see what other classmates have to contribute. It will be so much more interesting with more responses to explore from around the world!

Thanks in advance for your help :)

P.S. (as a quick disclaimer) I didn't have the chance to test this much, so I apologize if it loads slowly or breaks entirely or looks awful on different browsers...! (Julia Cambre)


Beautiful tool. Come on guys populate all of this map, and let everyone know how many of us!

Cristian Artoni

Sunday, October 26, 2014


What is Hall of Fame II?

The HALL OF FAME is the place where it is collected and published all the works of the students of the Coursera course, LEARNING HOW TO LEARN.

by Dr. Barbara Oakley, Dr. Terrence Sejnowski

by Dr. Barbara Oakley, Dr. Terrence Sejnowski

As per tradition, which began in the first edition of the course, for the second edition, I have decided to take up the work of those who are going to build this wonderful scrapbook.

The HALL OF FAME is not a ranking of the best or worst, it is a place where students feel proud of what they managed to do thanks to the teachings of Prof. Barbara Oakley, and feel proud to have been part of an amazing large group.

Each masterpiece will include the original link in which the writers has posted his own work.

I hope that, as for the first edition, this HALL OF FAME II, will collect a large number of works, for future reference and help to the students of the next editions of the course LEARNING HOW TO LEARN.

Cristian Artoni